Tuesday 20 December 2011


This project need students are required to discuss in producing Integrated Studio Presentation Night. Each studio group should prepare a 10 minutes presentation on that night.
Other that, each of the committee laid down below shall be presented by two studio groups:
  • Protocol Committee
  • Dinner Committee
  • Audio Visual Committee
  • Presentation Committee
  • Cleaning and Safety Committee
  • Chairs and Equipment Committee
The performance will be held at HBP Red Square on 23rd December 2011 at 8.30 in the night.

The place for performance was changed to another place due of condition problem, that is raining. So, our performance will be held in hall with air conditioning.

Our group had prepare what we act an actor in one drama or story. Our theme is "TIME TRAVEL", and also plus with "OUR MEMORY". That created by our leader, Mun Kai Hoang (Architecture). We must thank for him because he help more in our group.

Our first group meeting

Practice, one by step

Now, another had start what they showed in performance. Sing, actor, crazy people, dance and quick drawing. Our performance held in E48(B) at eight o'clock in the night. The performance end almost 12.30am. However, we had enjoying what we had done in performance. And also that performance is the last day of first semester of 2011/2012. Some people cry because time too fast and more memory what we had success done in every project plus assignment. That one very hard for our life as a student University Science Malaysia (USM). Thank you all!  

Sweet memory picture

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