Sunday 11 December 2011


That part of project I like because I can show what I had done from Project 1 until Project 10. It is enjoy and interesting project.

Following their tasks and requirements
Every students are required to produce an A3 size portfolio that can accomodate and protect their works during semester 1. The portfolio shall have graphical values and legible information.
Each student is required to photograph each project to be pasted onto an A1 size Mounting Board (potrait orientation) and graphically arranged acording to student's creativity.

 My first RUS 104 's exhibition table

Process to make the portfolio

My RUS 104 Portfolio

RUS 104 Exhibition is start from 9 Dec 2011 ~ 12 Dec 2011 
Our theme is "from NOHTHING to SOMETHING"

 Our group exhibition

Comment on my project

My individual presentation

I am happy with my exhibition. On my table of exhibition, I use white cloth to cover the table to look tidy. The arrange of things must be good position so that some viewer can see on my projects.
This project is important to us such as architecture, interior design, planning, etc. students to practice for plan, design and manage the exhibition which function related to the built environment exhibition.

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