Sunday 9 October 2011


Sample of picture before getting idea

Final idea 
               At first, the upper section, I choose cuboid. I got idea by using this shape as hand unity (as show in picture above). At the lower section, I choose 14 small cuboid same as number of star side in Malaysia's flag.   

 Tools to produce the sculpture by using mounting board and monochrome colour

Final process

I choose yellow in colour as my sculpture. In colour theory, 'yellow' is the colour of the sun - the life support for our planet. As such it has come to represent life, energy, happiness, hope and wisdom. At the bottom section of sculpture, there have fourteen cuboid same as number of Malaysian flag's star. It can represent as unity. For upper section of sculpture, there have four cuboid-shape-like with different in height. From lowest into highest show we must to reach at the top to success in our life.

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