Plus, the Graphic Elements should have to be creative to describe or showing Penang Tourism. The Images of Penang should be in rendering sketches. Sizes and positions of rendering sketches are as shown as above.
At first, my group is Group 1, thus our Group Studiomasters had discuss about this project. They had advise how we can produce Graphic Information Board so that tourist attract on information board.
Then, I must draw a rough sketch first before I can draw on A1 size paper. That may take a long hour to draw on A1 size paper.
Sketch on A3 size paper or Sketch Book. This one important to show for Studiomasters to discuss any suggest to change or add something.
In my concept for this project is colorful of Penang. I want to add some meaning in big picture to attract tourist go to Penang. Tourist will feel excite when see any information of images. Thus, must have colorful on images.
"More is less. Less is more"
Prepare A1 size paper. Sketch the line on A1 size paper.
Draw and produce "highlight images" using pen technical.
Complete of Project 01.
I like your poster. Nice~