Saturday, 5 November 2011


Following this tasks, every student must together produce a 'JIGSAW PUZZLE' with total size of 2100mm x 3780mm. Each of you will represent at least one 'JIGSAW PUZZLE' 210mm x 210mm in size and has your full name drawn in creative writing style. It must also be coloured by students of colour options of your choice. The thickness of the 'JIGSAW PUZZLE' of each student is free, but it must easily be connected with other students' puzzle.

In Project 8, I understand that we need produce puzzle to connect with other puzzle. That mean we can create connection in relationship to be one picture of puzzle as like as "One Malaysia".

Here step by step that how I can produce 'JIGSAW PUZZLE' in size of 210mm x 210mm.

Sketching and preparing a design for puzzle

                                    Tools for making puzzle                     Measuring on foam board

                                       Puzzle is produce                             Colouring the puzzle

            Doing my full name       
 My doodles

 Sketching the doodle on the puzzle

Complete of Project 8

Assignment of Project 8 is given by lecturer on 24 Oct. 
Actually, I had complete for my puzzle on Sunday (30 Oct). However, on Monday (31 Oct), lecturer wants us to draw doodle for our puzzle. I shock about that. Then, I am thinking. Finally, I got my idea, that is using 'technical pen' for sketcking the doodle on my puzzle. That has meaning of 'my story' what I did from Project 1 to 7. I use Blue colour as my background because blue colour is one the most favourite colour as in the sky. My full name is in yellow colour to produce more effect and clear that we can see. The thick of my puzzle, I use more thicker to produce 'texture' and looking out from board. Here, my location of puzzle is at C7.

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