Saturday, 24 September 2011


                                                          Samples of type of hibiscus...

Producing idea... Process... Sketching... 25 hours...

Tools for drawing...

Final process...

According from Oxford, geometric or geometrical is adjective of geometry; of or like the lines, figures, etc used in geometry.
Geometrical shapes are two-dimensional shapes created by exact mathematical laws; oval, square, rectangle, triangle, esclipse, and etc..

             I choose the hibiscus as a geometrical shape. There have five petals, so I use pentagon-a-like. At first, I draw circle using compass and using mathematical law, then this shape produced. I sketch it by using my idea. Before that, I admire with lotus geometrical shape where can find in Buddhist and Islamic figure. In conclusion, I am proud that there have types of natural structure surrounding us. I am thankful with environment which created by God creator.

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