Thursday, 29 September 2011


Tools for making box
Making the box...
Square cube (Hexahedron)
New form of box
Plan of orthographic projection
Front elevation
Side elevation
Sketching the orthographic projection

Complete of the orthographic projection

Orthographic projection is projectors are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the picture plan.

Saturday, 24 September 2011


                                                          Samples of type of hibiscus...

Producing idea... Process... Sketching... 25 hours...

Tools for drawing...

Final process...

According from Oxford, geometric or geometrical is adjective of geometry; of or like the lines, figures, etc used in geometry.
Geometrical shapes are two-dimensional shapes created by exact mathematical laws; oval, square, rectangle, triangle, esclipse, and etc..

             I choose the hibiscus as a geometrical shape. There have five petals, so I use pentagon-a-like. At first, I draw circle using compass and using mathematical law, then this shape produced. I sketch it by using my idea. Before that, I admire with lotus geometrical shape where can find in Buddhist and Islamic figure. In conclusion, I am proud that there have types of natural structure surrounding us. I am thankful with environment which created by God creator.

Thursday, 22 September 2011


That my choice... 
Tools to draw...

Project 2A: Man-made structure (form & structure)

         Drawing building is a great way to learn how to draw the perspective. It needs us to understand in three-dimensional space and illusion.
         Initially, I take photos of building of school of HBP buy using camera. I choose one of photos as a sketching because it deems appropriate and it consists of its good forms and structures. I also choose my angle or view because I need perspective for drawing. Other points, it has plane, cuboid and semi-cylinder in shape. I use line value and cross-hatching technique. I use HB, 2B, 4B and 8B lead pencil. At first, eye must be in good position, sketch its guide line. Then, sketch the outline of the building. Next, sketch the foreground. Finally, use value line technique. I sketch this building with tone and texture. Plus, light and shadow element - the most important for sketching. It is useful to produce more realism in drawing. I sketch it almot two hours to complete. Overall, I am happy and satisfy on my drawing. It has learn me how to sketch the building, which have different of structure, into more realism.

Monday, 19 September 2011


Me, Myself & I

Hi! My name is Chong Kai Zhen. I am deaf people since I was born. My birthdate is 27 May 1991. My birthplace is Hospital Kajang, Selangor. I from Selangor.My hobby is reading, playing music such as piano and guitar, and drawing. I am studying interior design because I like drawing. Sometime I feel so shy. Now, I was studying in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). I will be more brave with other people. I am not good in writting essay but I will improve my Engish as I can. I also have problem in communication with other people because I deaf with hearing aid. Sometime, I cannot hear clearly. Hopely, I will success one day.


My link (Line & Shape)
At first, I sketch the letter from my name as a cube. However,the shape was not more interesting. Then, I other sketch again become curve line but the curve line sometime not match with my personal logo. Finally, I find the shape that I like. That is rectangle and square. I add basic colour (warna asas) as my personal logo. There has an underline below of the logo to balance that logo. I like that colour because it can make my personal logo become more perfect.

*sorry if some word may make you not understand.