Sunday 23 September 2012

Welcome back to RDS201 Interior Design Studio 1_Second Year_First Semester_2012/2013

Hi, that was four months I was staying in USM and I now Second Year! Thankfully because I had done all projects for First Year. First Year First Semester look too busy for me that I ever. First Year Second Semester reduce efforts on me compared First Semester. This is because too many orientations. I dislike one but enjoy and interesting! Haha!!!

I'm sorry because already four months I not update anymore for blog because I had busy with my own works. 

Now, I should help my new juniors. I had seven ID (interior design) juniors! Oh my god! That one big responsible for me to help how life as ID student in USM.

Anyway, I hope my works have do well for RDS201 this year, 2012/2013. I am happy because I now Second Year and waiting for graduation next two years. I hope I graduate one day for making my parent happy. 

Second Year! Gambateh, Kai Zhen!!!

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